2008年2月16日 星期六

請繼續為邱會長全家代禱 !!!

  面對竹君師母的狀態,邱會長和Caleb 身心疲乏,無法好好休息。感謝大家的代禱,Caleb的感冒已好多了,但邱會長牙痛的問題仍然存在,目前暫時用止痛藥壓制。這是一場艱辛、漫長的戰役,不過深信我們的主是全能的主!醫治的主!聽禱告的主!請繼續為邱會長全家代禱。如果您覺得有負擔,也請回應剛發起的四十天「連鎖禁食禱告」。
有成萬的百姓 (仇敵) 來周圍攻擊我,我也不怕。(3:3-6)
In HIM we serve,
Harrison & Kaye Hsiao家庭更新協會
Chinese Family For Christ – LA

2008年2月4日 星期一


親愛的代禱勇士及關心竹君的家新人們:                      Feb. 3, 11:20 PM PST
  邱家的大兒子舒亞 (Joshua) 在South Carolina感染感冒,肺衰竭的癥候再度出現。小兒子醒亞 (Caleb) 目前在南加陪伴會長,也感染重感冒,身體較為衰弱。會長當然更是承受極大的壓力,也請繼續迫切為他們代禱,求主堅固他們的信心,徹底摧毀撒旦的計謀與攻擊。
  賽 53:5 因祂受的刑罰,我們 (竹君) 得平安;因祂受的鞭傷,我們 (竹君) 得醫治。
In Christ
Michael & Wendy Lin
林明樞 (總幹事)
20651 Golden Springs Dr., #398
Walnut, CA 91789
Tel: 909-837-9684 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 909-837-9684 免費  end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Website: http://www.CFFCUSA.org

2008年2月2日 星期六

Special Prayer Requests from Nia

Dear Family & Friends,
Thank you for upholding the surgery & my mom in your prayers.  He is answering.  Praise God!
Sorry that I am unable to answer everyone personally.  Here's a summary of the latest update & more specific prayer requests.
Mom's surgery went pretty smooth.  Throughout the day, the doctors gave updates & each time they shared that she was doing well & her vitals were fine.  The surgeons removed 60% of her tumor & the other 40% was too close to major arteries so they could not touch it.  They will probably try to remove the rest of the tumor with Proton Therapy after her recovery.  The doctors decided not to remove her left eye which was Mom's desire & prayer.  And because of that, her surgery didn't require removing muscle, blood vessels & nerves from other parts of the body to transplant for the eye surgery.  Praise God for answering this prayer too!  Her surgery finished around 12 midnight yesterday and she was admitted to the ICU.  Around 5:30 a.m. this morning, they did an emergency central venous catheter (CVC or central venous line) procedure for increased viability of intravenous drugs/fluids to her heart in order to help her regain consciousness sooner & to help her breathe on her own.  This afternoon, they discovered a blood clot in her brain so currently they are monitoring that.  Her blood pressure is still low & there's a lot of swelling in the face.  Mom needs to be incubated for a while until the swelling goes down because they want to monitor & make sure the swelling will not block/restrict her airways.  She is currently still not conscious or responding to my Dad or brother, Caleb,  although she's moving around a little more.  The hospital staff is keeping her sedated because they are monitoring her breathing & it's uncomfortable to have tubes in the throat.  She's also receving transfusions to put more blood & platelets in.  Her vital signs are all currently stable.
Please pray:
1) The blood clot in her brain will go away on its own so that Mom won't need to re-experience the trauma of surgery.
2) That the swelling in her brian/face will go down & that she would be able to regain consciousness, breathe on her own & that her blood pressure will be normal.
3) That her recovery process will be quick & there would be no side effects
4) That God will restore her vision, hearing & sense of smell.
Thank you!